Isara the one scarlet

769.00 lei
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  • Pe loc banii inapoi
  • 14 de zile Retur
  • Livrare 24/48h Luni – Sambata
Comenzi telefonice 9:00-18:00 Luni-Vineri


ISARA The ONE really FITS ALL! ALL children, ALL parents. ISARA The ONE este un marsupiu ajustabil revolutionar, marime unica, care se potriveste constitutiei fiecarui parinte si creste impreuna cu bebelusul, inca de la nastere pana la finalul varstei prescolare.   Adauga un strop de energie aventurii tale in babywearing cu ISARA The One Scarlet!   Prin vibratia sa feminina plina de incredere, ISARA The ONE scarlet pulseaza entuziasm si sete de viata! Oricat de banale ar arata strazile, oricat de monotona ar parea ziua sau cat de obosita te-ai putea simti, acest marsupiu viu colorat intr-un ton rubiniu deschis, iti va aminti ca viata e frumoasa si plina de culoare.   Pretuieste fiecare moment, poarta-ti bebelusul in ISARA The ONE, marsupiul care creste impreuna cu copilasul tau, de la nastere pana la sfarsitul varstei prescolare.

Pionier al ajustabilitatii incepand din 2013, ISARA a creat marsupii ergonomice premiate la nivel international, recunoscute pe scara larga pentru versatilitatea si functionalitatea lor. In 2016, ISARA a inceput sa creeze cel mai reglabil marsupiu de copii, o continuare revolutionara a povestii noastre. Dupa doi ani de cercetare si feedback neintrerupt, s-a nascut ISARA The ONE.ISARA The ONE este cea mai noua inovatie in materie de marsupii reglabile, un produs revolutionar, care permite parintelui sa ultra-ajusteze marsupiul atat in lungime cat si in latime, pentru a se potrivi tuturor fizionomiilor umane, de la parinti scunzi, inalti sau chiar plus size, cu nou-nascuti, copii mai mari si chiar prescolari. Tranzitia de la un nou-nascut la un prescolar se realizeaza intr-un singur pas, cu The ONE.ISARA The ONE reprezinta noua tehnologie in materie de ajustabilitate, decorata cu modelul Scarlet, pentru a crea uniunea perfecta intre confort, eleganta si frumusete.


ISARA The ONE - prezinta caracteristici revolutionare de ajustabilitate care ii ofera parintelui posibilitatea de a ultra ajusta marsupiul, atat in lungime cat si pe latime, exact atat cat are nevoie bebelusul sau, dar si pentru dimensiunile oricarui parinte, indiferent de constitutia sa.

Panoul poate fi setat la inaltimea dorita, precisa si exacta, pentru inaltimea si nevoile copilului, cu ajutorul inovatorului panel transformer, iar daca doriti sa alaptati in marsupiu, aceasta inovatie va permite sa il largiti rapid, astfel incat sa va bucurati de confort sporit, cu usurinta.

Versatilul strap transformer ajuta la scurtarea ori extinderea bretelelor de umar pentru a obtine o potrivire perfecta pentru ORICE tip de constitutie - It truly FITS ALL!

Puntea marsupiului se poate stramta foarte mult astfel incat sa fie potrivita chiar si pentru un nou nascut. Largirea sezutului se poate realiza treptat pe masura ce copilul creste, cu o precizie milimetrica, astfel incat materialul sa ii ajunga intotdeauna din spatele unui genunchi pana in spatele celuilalt genunchi. Ulterior, cu ajutorul a doua seat transformers, baza sezutului copilasului se poate mari atat de mult incat sa fie potrivita purtarii chiar si a unui prescolar inalt, mentinand pozitia ergonomica.

Cele 3 puncte de transformare ale marsupiului ISARA The ONE Pixelated Spicy Bamboo il fac sa fie un marsupiu deosebit si unic, fiind alegerea perfecta daca iti doresti un singur marsupiu versatil pe tot parcursul intregii tale aventuri in lumea purtarii bebelusului, de la nastere pana la sfarsitul varstei prescolare.
- Este astfel conceput incat sa protejeze pielea bebelusului, nicio catarama neatingandu-i pielea.
- Bretele sunt moi, buretate si amortizeaza greutatea copilului, chiar si a unui prescolar.
- In zonele bratelor si picioarelor bebelusului se afla pernite moi pentru mai mult confort.
- Curelusa de conectare dintre bretelele de umar este reglabila si detasabila.
- Gluga este reglabila si detasabila.
- Am adaugat o banda elastica de inalta calitate pentru o oferi protectie suplimentara in cazul deschiderilor accidentale a cataramelor, astfel incat bebelusul dvs. sa fie intotdeauna in siguranta.

Marime si ajustabilitate

ISARA The ONE really FITS ALL – se potriveste tuturor parintilor, indiferent de constitutie si tuturor copiilor pana la sfarsitul varstei prescolare - un singur marsupiu este tot ceea ce ai nevoie.

Conceput de un consultant certificat in babywearing, impreuna cu o echipa de medici specializati, este potrivit pentru purtarea nou-nascutilor, incepand de la 3 kg si pana la sfarsitul varstei prescolare, fiind testat si certificat conform normelor de siguranta pana la 20 kg.*

Pentru nou-nascuti, incepand cu 3 kg, cele doua seat transformers pot fi detasate cu usurinta pentru a asigura o ajustare optima a sezutului marsupiului, variind între 15 cm (6 inch) si 38 cm (15 inch). Stramtati baza marsupiului astfel incat aceasta sa fie pe dimensiunea deschiderii picioruselor copilului, din spatele unui genunchi pana in spatele celuilalt genunchi.

Pentru copiii mai mari sau prescolari, reatasati ambele seat transformers - acestea permit utilizatorului sa extinda scaunul cu pana la 18 cm (7 inch) in plus, fiecare seat transformer avand 9 cm (3,5 inch).

Pentru un parinte inalt, lungimea bretelelor poate fi extinsa pentru confort sporit. Pentru un parinte scund, bretelele pot fi restranse sau scurtate atat de mult cat este necesar pentru o potrivire precisa.

*Pentru bebelusii cu greutate mica la nastere, ori copiii cu afectiuni medicale, solicitati sfatul unui specialist in domeniul sanatatii inainte de a utiliza produsul;

Instructiuni de ingrijire a materialului

Marsupiul ISARA The ONE este realizat din bumbac organic 100%, certificat GOTS (cel mai important certificat din lume pentru textile organice si responsabilitate sociala).

In compozitia lui sunt utilizate doar materiale de inalta calitate - de la catarame, curele, chinga pana la Velcro - recunoscut chiar si în industria automobilelor pentru rezistenta si anduranta.
Tesaturile utilizate sunt organice, fara a avea in compozitie aditivi fixatori de culoare ori antistatici, astfel este recomandata doar curatarea punctuala a petelor utilizand o carpa moale, imbibata cu sapun si apa calduta, pentru a pastra proprietatile materialului timp cat mai indelungat.

Nu este necesara spalarea materialului inainte de utilizare, insa daca doriti acest lucru, clatirea de mana a acestuia doar cu apa este suficienta, acesta fiind deja prespalat profesional.

Folositi masina de spalat doar atunci cand este necesar, alaturi de un detergent usor si un program de spalare delicat, la maxim 30 grade celsius. Asigurati-va ca toate cataramele sunt inchise inainte de a spala marsupiul.

Nu utilizati balsam de rufe! Nu uscati in uscatorul de rufe sau prin expunere directa la soare! Asigurati-va ca scaiul si toate cataramele sunt inchise înainte de spalare.

Garantie si certificare

- ISARA ofera 2 ani garantie.
- ISARA respecta standardele europene EN 13209-2: 2015 si standardele internationale ASTM F 2236-16A.
- Institutul International de Displazie de sold (IHDI) recunoaste ISARA ca fiind producator de produse "hip-healthy"(sanatoase pentru soldurile bebelusului).
- ISARA The ONE a fost creat si dezvoltat de un consultant certificat in babywearing, impreuna cu specialisti in domeniul ortopediei si fizioterapiei.
- ISARA este creat si fabricat în România.
- Brandul ISARA growing together este Marca Inregistrata, iar marsupiul ISARA The ONE este brevetat.


Beth Beaney, Love to be Natural, UK

We're often asked to suggest a carrier which will work for a newborn up to preschool. I've always described this as a bit of a unicorn. Until now though; the Isara The One Carrier actually does this, and it does it really well. The superb design really does fit snug and safe from newborn and yup, you really can carry a 4 year old in it too.

Mackenzie Passenger - Austria
The One Baby carrier. It’s incredibly lightweight made out of a woven wrap, and is extremely comfortable and easy to get Alexander in & out of on my own. It’s so much more comfortable than our other carriers, and Vincent enjoys how adjustable it is. Newborn-20 Kilos (5-6 years)! Talk about amazing

Spela Zoric - Croatia
At first this ONE was my nemesis, so many buckles, all of the buckles. For someONE coming from background with only woven wraps it was overwhelming. Good thing it went on to tests and came back again. In the meantime I tried and practised with the Quick.
Now I can say that this SCC is really ONE of a kind. It is sooo adjustable that it really can and does offer great support ❤️ once you figure out the settings it is easy to use, fast. I would recommend having The ONE in the car always.

Natalie Clauss - Germany
There are quite a lot of possibilities to adjust the carrier for me and for my baby or child.
These possibilities can be overwhelming for some parents at first, but are just perfect for use with small babies as well as toddlers, if you once have understood how to use them right. Even more, those adjustments make it possible for small people like me and for bigger people to use the carrier in the same way.
Carrying was very comfortable for me even though I carried my daughter for two hours in the Isara carrier.

Janina Kessler - Germany
I was very impressed about all the details and possibilities to make it fit for my boys and for myself, let me tell you I am a very curvy mom and it's really hard to find a carrier that fits both and is still pretty comfy, I tested a lot the last 4 years and beside my custom made carriers from MW, the isara is such a keeper and really a must have for your babywearing time.

Laurna Hislop, Coorie in with Love, UK
It's suitable from newborn to preschool and it really is!...It's a lovely soft carrier without feeling too bulky even with a small baby.

The waistband doesn't feel too thick and the padding is not too stiff so sits comfortably, the width adjusts easily on a slider with velcro.
The panel is well made with a great amount of soft padding at the baby's knee area, it has two hooks tucked away to attach the toddler extenders.
The panel height is easily adjusted to fit the baby with webbing, and in the same clip you can adjust the strap length as needed.

The straps are quite narrow, more than other carriers but I find them nice and comfy, again lovely soft padding so not too stiff. The straps have the option to wear them straight or crossed and all the straps are easy to adjust as you desire.

On the whole this is a lovely carrier and has become one of my favourite buckle carriers.

Karen Kerkhofs - The Netherlands
You can see that this carrier has been well thought out! It is a bit of a search how it wears best but once you have the right settings, it is very comfortable. I tried it with my 5year old and it didn't feel too heavy. I also like that the waist belt is flexible but firm. It fits nicely around my belly. I love the fact that you can use it for a very long time

Sara Gerdin - Sweden

I've been looking forward to try Isara the one for what feels like an eternity and the anticipation only grew higher the more I read about it! My wishlist/demands wasn't easy to match I tell you

Kirsten Minnen, founder and teacher of Instituut voor Hechting, the first Dutch spoken training course for babywearing consultants in the Netherlands.
“ I love my job! This morning, I was able to help a mommy and her small baby (50 cm) to find a baby carrier. From what I had with me, the ISARA baby carrier was the most suitable for both."

Iris Bozic, babywearing consultant (Croatia)
“In my former reviews you could’ve concluded that it was impossible to design a carrier that would fit babies of all ages, as well as babywearers of all constitutions, but...Did ISARA just achieve the impossible? ISARA The ONE is indeed adaptable enough to suit newborns and preschoolers alike. So far, this seems to be the only designed solution that allows the use of a single carrier during all your years of babywearing. It will be interesting to see how other manufacturers respond to Isara’s innovations.”

Read the full review here.

Wendy Hadewich, babywearing consultant and babywearing shop owner (The Netherlands)

“In my opinion, ISARA has created The ONE, a baby carrier that actually runs from very small to very large. Useful for parents who want to purchase one single carrier as well as for parents who want to carry their newborn and a toddler in the same exact carrier.”

Read the full review here.

Veronica Koleva, Sling library owner (Bulgaria)
"You are in absolute control with Isara The ONE!
You have buckles for everything! You can adjust the length of the shoulder straps using a two – way buckle that can fasten and loosen the straps and at the same time to control the panel length. I tried The ONE with my 9-month-old baby boy and started fastening and adjusting the carrier so it can fit him perfectly. For less than 5 minutes it was like made for him. The buckles are super easy to work with and you can even adjust the carrier on the go. There is an elastic band for every buckle for extra protection. The fabric is giving the baby a snugly fit and there are no red marks on the neck or legs."

Read the full review here.

Rebecca Ford, Certified Babywearing Consultant at Wearmybabybeckenham (UK)
"If you like versatility and flexibility then this really is an incredibly adjustable carrier with all sorts of different settings for newborn to Pre-schooler; for tall people and small people."

Marloes de Graaf, President of Dutch Babywearing Educators Association (The Netherlands)
"What a lovely carrier to play with!

There are lots of possibilities to make sure it fits nice for almost every child.

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